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Media Moments

Take a quick look at some Think ReHemption media moments.

Think ReHemption and youth Sustainability in Chicago 

Think ReHemption CEO, Carolyn Vazquez works in the North Lawndale community teaching youth about sustainability in Chicago.

Fall programs for youth will include information about sustainability and other community concerns that they can help address-even at their age.  Many small actions can lead to BIG change when done consistently.

Learn More About Patrick and Browns Family Farm

In 1865, Patrick Brown’s great-grandfather escaped slavery on Oakley Grove Plantation in Warren County, North Carolina. After the war, he worked as a sharecropper on another plantation and started what would become a fourth-generation farm.

Today, Patrick is committed to regenerative farming practices so his century-old farm can stay in the family for at least another 100 years—and he’s leading with industrial hemp. Follow Patrick’s journey of stewardship, hard work and his powerful vision to subvert Oakley Grove’s sinister legacy.


Please join us in supporting the Brown Family's work to subvert a grim legacy and thrive forward.

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